“I found a way to be the boss of my brain with meditation.”
Former Executive Director of the Texas Department of Commerce and Meditation Bar Co-Founder
Studies show that meditation can actually change how the brain processes information and manages the effects of stress, depression, and anxiety. Many companies have turned to meditation to help their employees feel better and work better by offering virtual or on-site meditation.
Meditation is a proven way to help manage stress and anxiety, and it can also:
Improve concentration and focus
Reduce distractibility and mind-wandering
Increase focus and sustained attention
Increase resilience, inner strength, and improve mood
Increase creativity and help achieve goals
Reduce depression
Increase empathy, gratitude, generosity, and kindness
Strengthen the immune system
Meditation Bar services are secular and accessible to everyone from beginner to master. Research shows that every person meditates differently, and that different types of meditation fulfill different goals. We offer a wide variety of types of meditation and can design a program according to your team’s needs and goals.
Our services provide a variety of meditation and relaxation techniques suitable for all meditation experience levels. We offer on-site and virtual workplace services. And, for very small groups, we can design an amazing event in our beautiful and serene studio.
We are happy to work with you to design an event tailored to your needs. Here are some examples of what is possible:
Balanced Self, Balanced Life with Shira Shamsi
1 hour virtual or in-person meditation workshop. The best gift we can give to ourselves and to the world is our own self-realization and personal well-being. This in-person or virtual session helps your team build wholesome wellness, inner peace and healthier choice-making. It is appropriate for all levels of meditation experience: beginning to advanced. Activities include small group interaction, lecture, and meditation. Your team will relax, enjoy, and find kindness and compassion for themselves and each other as we dive into an understanding of meditation.
Practical Ways to Create Resiliency with Marie Young
1 hour virtual or in-person workshop that includes meditative techniques that help participants manage and recover from stress with relative grace and ease by accessing the power of your vagus nerve. This is an experiential workshop that teaches how to engage the ventral vagus nerve branch to promote a healthy and flexible autonomic nervous system, helping to create feelings of safety and restoration. Activities include simple physical exercise, breathwork and sounding, and heart-centered meditation.
Sound Meditation with Tracy Sage King
30 minute in-person guided meditation with live and recorded sound. This meditation helps participants imagine a space that they can return to anytime for rest and relaxation. Suitable for all levels of meditation experience and includes: opening meditative techniques to quiet the mind, center, and ground; meditative techniques accompanied by chimes; guided meditation with recorded sound—simple, open-ended development of the image of participants' most sacred, healing, and comforting internal space to rest and receive; and a few minutes to return from meditation.
Introduction to Mindfulness + Meditation with Tracy Sage King
1 hour virtual meditation workshop. We’ll talk about what meditation is, bust meditation myths, and explore what meditation can do for a modern, busy life. This a fun and experiential hour about how mindfulness can help employees build resiliency and feel better. This class includes short, entertaining presentations about mindfulness and meditation and a minimum of three practical mindfulness exercises. Class ends with an accessible and easy mindfulness meditation.
We will also include access to the recorded workshop for one week and a digital handout that participants can return to when they need an easy “feel better” technique.
Meditation Boot Camp
1 hour virtual or in-person program each day for 5 days. Sessions are held at the same time each day to promote routine. Participants can expect to explore different styles of meditation including body awareness, breath awareness, mantra, loving kindness, and other meditative practices and techniques. We include a Q+A segment regarding building and maintaining a daily practice.
Company Retreat/Team Building
A customizable program designed for your team offsite/team building opportunities. Possible program design includes:
Grounding + Intro (30-45 minutes) will include 15 minutes explaining some basic fundamentals followed by a 10-15 minute guided meditation. A great way to get everyone aligned for the primary purpose of the day.
Mid-Day Relaxation (15-30 minutes): Explore 3-5 simple exercises that you can incorporate into your everyday.
Afternoon Closing (15-30 minutes): Checking in mindfully and closing with a gratitude meditation and/or visualization to bring the goals of the day into alignment.
Programs can be specifically tailored to:
Group settings such as team meetings and strategic retreats
One-on-one or small group executive coaching sessions
Webinars reaching employees locally or worldwide
Strategies include:
Breathing techniques to be practiced anywhere and anytime
Mindfulness tools to be integrated into work and personal settings
Awareness exercises that can decrease reactivity and increase responsiveness
Proven research and understanding of brain science to support the recommended strategies
All pricing is contingent upon the number of participants and program chosen.
Contact us for further information on how best to implement meditation + mindfulness programs into your organization.
Large Groups & Special Events
Travel time, event location, and customization may increase these fees.
Offsite Large Groups–Workplace, Retreats, Conferences, Special Events
4-10 $500 $700+ for sound
11-25 $700 $900+ for sound
26-35 $900 $1111+ for sound
Virtual Large Groups–Workplace, Retreats, Conferences, Special Events
10-20 $350
20+ $500
Offsite Event Programming
$200 plus $250 per hour for each practitioner, minimum 3 hours
Services we can offer at workplace events:
Intro to Mindfulness and Meditation
Tips and Tricks to Calm Down
Yoga + Meditation
Sound Baths (add $200 to base fee)